Sunday, July 01, 2007

What do we need in the next iPhone upgrade?

What do we need in the next iPhone upgrade?

Apart from drive space, we should expect a great deal of upgrade from the current version of iPhone. Some of the thoughts are the following

  • Flash support for the browser( a must , no excuse.!!)
  • Camera should capture videos and must be upgraded to include some editing tool . It will be cool if we can use the camera on both sides so that we can use it as a video phone/web cam
  • Always you have to give an extra effort to read a normal web page. Well dot mobi domain names will well fit in to the iphone, there by dismissing the fact that iPhone is a dot mobi killer. Well I dont know how to make the web pages readable without zooming. I think it will still be the same in that kind of screen size.
  • The other thing that I noticed is the scrolling of the web pages. The scroll bars on the right and the bottom are so tiny and its tough to scroll it somethings. It would be helpful if they can make it scroll anywhere on the screen.
  • youtube is incomplete !!!
  • this list will continue.............................

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Iphone should support Flash

Well stripped version of youtube is already included in the iPhone. But its not full. So what do you do?.You go to the youtube site and try to watch the video. Its not going to work!! its asking you to download flash player. Same with CNN site.

So iPhone should support/allow flash to be installed in the browser PERIOD

Friday, June 29, 2007

iPhone's current bid: US $99,555,332.30

iPhone's current bid: US $99,555,332.30 on Ebay. This is funny

Here is the link

iPhone buyers paid almost the price of an iPhone to safeguard their place in the long line

Well CNBC' Jim Goldman reported that someone paid almost $400 to get the 16th place in line to get the iPhone when the apple store opens in California

Melissa Francis asked the first iPhone buyer in Chicago about how much he spent for the person to keep his first place in the line, he said almost $400 ( well $15 an hour job. lol)

I would love to see how much Ebayers are going to spend this weekend to get the fresh iPhones!!!

Some links to the news
: cnbc
: freep

Long-Awaited iPhone Goes on Sale - NYTIMES

Apple wanted a spectacle when the iPhone went on sale this evening, and it got just that.

More from NYTIMES

Stores open doors for iPhone sales

Apple Inc. began selling its iPhone Friday, ending six months of waiting by consumers and rival smartphone vendors.


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Official Apple iPhone Website

So sleek, so clean, so pretty. What is it about Apple products that makes them look so yummy?

read more | digg story